Friday, November 25, 2005

International Day Eliminate Violence Against Women-The herstory

Yup thats what today is....marks 16 days of events and fundraising at most womens centres actually. But few people know the story behind this day and how it came to be.
On November 25, 1960 Patria, Minerva, and Marie Teresa (The Mirabal sisters) were dragged from their jeep and beaten to death. Why? They were activly campaiging against then president Rafeal Trujillo Molina of the Dominican Rebuplic, whose reign consisted of 31 years of torture, impressonment, and death. He destroyed the Dominicans constituition, slaughtered human rights, and masacred 20,000 Haitain plantatin workers.
The sisters were part of the "14th of June movement" to topple Molina's regime. They were code named "Las Mariposas" the butterflies. They were often imprisoned, tortured and harrased by the state but the three butterflies never gave up.
"This is not only a cause for men, but for women too...I am willing to give up everything, my own life if needs be"
And sadly they did. Take time today to remeber Las Mariposas and all the women who have died or have suffered at the hands of violence against women.