Thursday, August 18, 2005

Taking over the world one university at a time...

Helped out at the York Womens Centre today throwing up some new colors on the walls. It felt so good to be in a room full of sassy women again-Goddess how I have missed that! I am hoping with the help of the York and Capilano Women's Centre's to create an online database of university/college womens centres across the country. I think it would be a huge help to transfer students checking out their options and maybe aid in my dream of a canada wide feminist revolution!!!!!! Hey, dreams do come true! I am willing to host it temporarliy on here until enough centres and support sign up to justify a website. I think this could be an amazing resource...any ideas anyone???? Suggestions????? Do you even realize you can post replies on here??? I have a hit counter...I know your reading this. POST DAMN IT!
In other news I am officialy a knit-aholic. Even with a fractured elbow I have been knitting away on my back to school poncho...yes I am a dork. It is gorgeuos fall colors and yummy, soft, warm wool, I'll post a pic of the finished piece when I am done. I think the knitting has actully served as physio and helped my arm heal faster...hey, the doc said I had to use it! Next project...hmmmmmmmmm a classic canadian wooly hat TAKE OF EH YAH %&*#!ING HOSER!!!!
And I had my first full cycle being off the pill and ony 2 mild panic attacks!!!! I am soo glad I decided to go off the pill my body feels much better and my brain much happier. Since being off the pill my social anxiety is virtually gone and my moods much calmer. I am on a whole "fresh start" kick - eating healthy and organic, threw out all my tampons and bought a diva cup and some luna pads (tampons...ugh! i now know why you hate the vile things as much as you do Rachel!), chucked the pill....and chopped off my hair to a three inch pixie cut! I feel great and am loving the fresh start to reinvent myself and heal my body. I highly suggest it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a bloody brilliant idea! when i start langara in jan., i'll join in with the woman's group there, and join in on your canada wide revolution!!!!!!! gggggggggggggooooooooo langara!!!! and maybe i'll get casey to join when she starts at'll have everyone in b.c......hhhmmm there is chrissie in manitoba, i know she'll be into it.
i think it's a wicked idea, connecting with women allover canada.