Tuesday, August 23, 2005

girly time blues

Today...I miss grrrrrrrrrrl time. I miss getting drunk and crafty with some girly tunes playin. I miss stichin n bitchin. I miss eating crazy brownies and staring into the fire. I miss deco-pageing and drinking tequila. I miss drinking wine, eating chocolate and watchin Sex n the City. I miss group breakfasts at Joes after rad protest rallies. I miss exploring Vancouver's bellydance classes and going to cheesy 80's nights. I miss club hopping on the Granville strip. I miss being naked on Wreck Beach. I miss the company of amazing women. I love you all my vancouver babies!


Anonymous said...

thats at stanly park....give me another one!

Anonymous said...

Hey Cami,your blog spot is doing really good.So glad I'm back in the circulation.I so wanna belly dance,salsa and do yoga.None of which I know how to do but I will,these have been added to my long to do list which include:
Finishing at least one of my 3 books that I'm writing,Going on and staying on the G.I diet,keeping my house clean and sparkly with the ever present smell of fresh home cooking drifting from under my door,to be a famous singer(that ones not far off) To be a flashy sassy buisness girl who has to travel,get paid loads and has a laptop to surf with whilst jetting AROUND EUROPE,To be a good mummy!!!,To make a decision and stick with it(not including which pizza topping I want!),to be happy with a guy,to have a nice house,have a nice car,have a great bank balance,travel(not the world but most of it),To live ,love and be happy
God bless everyone who deserves to be blessed!!!
Love Holi xxx