Monday, August 29, 2005

Men revisited...

OK so due to some confusion about an earlier post I am revisiting the whole "what does it mean to be a man in our society" issue. First though I'd like to point out that the list published was a list formulated by men...Not my own personal list. I would like to publish another list of men that women look up to for comparisons sake...sooooooooooooo do you see that nifty lil button under this posting, says "comments"? Yeah? Good! Click on it and post your top 5 (or whatever) male role models. I'll calculate results and publish them here in a later entry. While we are on the topic of that nifty lil comment button...If you have something to say in response to one of my postings please post it here and do not email me. If everyone who looks here was to do that it would flood my email inbox. In fact a lot of you who have been doing this are getting sent to my junk file so if you want your response to be read post it here. And by the way..Thanks for readin and keep up the comments...Hopefully we can get some stimulating streams of chat happening here.

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