Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Pill and Your Health

With all of the mounting evidence of the harm that birth control causes to our bodies, why are so many women still swallowing it?

Yes we have the right to control our fertility if we so choose to do so, of course! Yet I can't help but wonder if things will ever change if we continue to give the Big Pharma our hard earned cash. They do not care about our health. They just see our fertility as a commodity, a resource to be controlled.

The pill, the patch, the shot, norplant....they all have negative side effects including naseau, deppresion, anxiety, loss of libido, hair loss, vomiting, hevy menses, spotting, breast pain, tumours, cancers...and of course there is the fact that almost all forms of chemical birth control have been tested illegaly on women in developing nations or used as a form of mass sterilization by various states. As a feminist I cannot swallow something knowing that it has caused another woman pain.

I have made the choice to go off all forms of chemical birth control and demand better options for myself and my sisters. I dont feel I can properly critique the system if I am lining its pockets. Frankly, it amazing me how many women are clueless about the long term side effects and illegal testing of the drugs they are on. This information needs to be out there in order for women to truly make informed decessions about their health and fertitlity options-that is true freedom of choice.

And to any woman out there reading this who suffers from anxiety and depression and is on the pill, there is a proven connection, you do not need to suffer anymore. The pill is known to cause horrible depression and anxiety but our Dr's only tell us we might be a "bit moody" the first few months. I quit the pill after 10 years of use, making the connection between chronic anxiety problems and my contraceptive. I feel like I am finally living my life as an independant woman for the first time in 25 years-panic and deppression free.

Here are some valuable links for research:



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cami that is very well said. I wish there was an effective way to get the message out there. I sent an email to Oprah, but no response. Any other ideas?