Monday, December 05, 2005

Remebering the Montreal Massacare

December 6th marks the anniversay of the brutal murder of fourteen women at Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal, 1989. Today take some time from your busy day to remeber tham and all women lost to violence. This is not an isolated incident, it happens to women everyday around the world. Most often it is someone the woman knows and trusts, such as the sad story of Alicia Ross here in Toronto. It is important that we not forget the women of Dec 6th, that they live on in our hearts as a reminder of how much we still have to fight for. To those who say that feminism is dead, that I should stop fighting, that we have ahieved full equality: I ask you to read this list of women lost to violence in 2005 and tell me that with a straight face:
Aysegul Candir, 47, husband
Kyla Holburn, 16, boyfriend
ahw Dilijohn, 52, freind
Szilvia Veres, ex boyfriend
Cheryl Lynn Parker, 42
Maluka Hassan-Ali, 23, Husaband
Campagne Lewis, 25, unknown
Hafiza Chodbury, 41, husband
Patricia Kirk, 60, husband
Mary Noseworthy, 78, son
Audrey Cote, 21, friend,
Alicia Ross, 25, neighbor
Edith Francomano 62, husband,
Hee Jeung Choi, 33, husband
Unidentified, mid 30's
And this list is just from my research in the Toronto area, it is just a small portion of the countless numbers of women lost to violence each year.

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