What was Robert Rodriguez thinking? Shame on him and the actors that worked for him for perpetuating harmful stereotypes and making entertainment of the nightmares of countless family's of the lost women of the Downtown East Side of Vancouver (DES), Green River Murders and countless other women's lives who have been lost....their trial's not fairly prosecuted, made public or ignored for far to long because they are street workers, addicts, poor or First Nations.
That all being said I have found a link to the Pickton trial I found very intersting...I did not know that Robert Pickton was a billionaire pig farmer, or that he was arrested for murder in 1997 but released....shortly after that 30 women went missing from the DES, 22 of those womens DNA were found on his pig farm. But hey, who are the cops going to believe? A billionaire pig farmer who supported his community and Little League Team or a poverty stricken, addicted prostitute from the DES? How did the cops not find it odd that a millionaire was hanging out in some of Vancouvers seediest bars in the first place????
Sometimes the sorrow of the world is so heavy on my chest I dont know if I can stand it any more.
Well I just picked up a few items I hope you'll enjoy. I'll be sending out your package tomorrow. I'm in the US so I don't know how long it'll take :(
There's a little article in the latest Bitch magazine about Sin City. It breaks down the characters and shows how each one is a different cliche for women.
Like The stripper with the heart of gold, the damsels in distress, and the hot lesbian. It's on page 18 of Issue 29 (the one with the flaming pants on the cover) worth checking out.
to true to true....how people did not recognize those stereotypes Ill never know
Cami, I'm sending your package today. When I get a tracking number I'll let you know. Eeeek I'm excited!
Well Pickton is not a billionaire and appears to be a long ways away from that and there is a mortgage of 10 million on the property. Also he was not arrested for murder in 97, but attempted murder of Wendy Eistetter. Just a few facts.
actually Pickton did come from a wealthy familly and the pig farm was originally a very succesfull buisness. Whether he had money at the time of the murders or not or does now for the matter is irrelevant. I think the point in this article is to show the similarities between the character in Sin City and Pickton himself. Both came from supposed 'well off' families and had huge pieces of property they used for evil purposes. I think that is the more important isue. And to my knowlegde Pickton was arrested, but never charged, with MURDER in the past and had numerous attempted charges against him. "Facts" aside....the important issue is the hollywood glorification of violence against women, not Picktons past or morgage issues.
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