Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Merry Ho Ho Ho Everyone!

Here is wishing you all a verrrrrrrrrrry merry holiday season, whatever you celebrate! Me, I'll be celebrating christmas with my guy in our new house - our first christmas alone togethter...very romantic. And to my Van friends, I'll be seeing you in less than a week! If anyone is curious about my list I mailed to Santa you can check out my "wish list" on the bottom of the left hand colum on this site, or make a donation to "Women for Women International" by clicking on the donate now button on the right hand colum, or shop in the "Lilith's Den Store" and support a starving student!

And here is big shout out to Chelz, the first person to make a donation to Women for Women International....come on people follow her footsteps and support women living in war and occupation. Your donations will help Lilith's Den conect with a woman in a war torn country, educate her of her rights as a woman, send her to school, feed her and her family and provide her with the skills needed to start a career. I will be posting pictures of the woman, letters and info about her country on here so we can all unite and support her. Check out their website link bellow and make a donation on Liliths Den in the name of the Christmas Spirit.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Pill and Your Health

With all of the mounting evidence of the harm that birth control causes to our bodies, why are so many women still swallowing it?

Yes we have the right to control our fertility if we so choose to do so, of course! Yet I can't help but wonder if things will ever change if we continue to give the Big Pharma our hard earned cash. They do not care about our health. They just see our fertility as a commodity, a resource to be controlled.

The pill, the patch, the shot, norplant....they all have negative side effects including naseau, deppresion, anxiety, loss of libido, hair loss, vomiting, hevy menses, spotting, breast pain, tumours, cancers...and of course there is the fact that almost all forms of chemical birth control have been tested illegaly on women in developing nations or used as a form of mass sterilization by various states. As a feminist I cannot swallow something knowing that it has caused another woman pain.

I have made the choice to go off all forms of chemical birth control and demand better options for myself and my sisters. I dont feel I can properly critique the system if I am lining its pockets. Frankly, it amazing me how many women are clueless about the long term side effects and illegal testing of the drugs they are on. This information needs to be out there in order for women to truly make informed decessions about their health and fertitlity options-that is true freedom of choice.

And to any woman out there reading this who suffers from anxiety and depression and is on the pill, there is a proven connection, you do not need to suffer anymore. The pill is known to cause horrible depression and anxiety but our Dr's only tell us we might be a "bit moody" the first few months. I quit the pill after 10 years of use, making the connection between chronic anxiety problems and my contraceptive. I feel like I am finally living my life as an independant woman for the first time in 25 years-panic and deppression free.

Here are some valuable links for research:



Thursday, December 08, 2005

The feminist revolution is begining my freinds...

A new political party has formed on BC's Vancouver Island, The FemINist INitiative (FemINit). They strive to reflect a balance of feminine and masculine in the electorate by respecting the wisdom of people and communities and focussing on solutions, not problems. They are hoping to build a party were members are inspired by "inclusiveness, integrity, involvment, and innovation". They are the first political party in Canada to be registered as 'feminist'.

This is truly inspirational and revolutionary. Never has Canada, particularly BC needed a Feminist elctoral party more. The BC Liberals and their crooney Gordo have destoyed the province. Health Care and Education are destroyed and the womens centres in BC had all of their funding pulled from under their feet becuase they 'are not a necessity'. REALLY? Tell that to the women fleeing an abusive home with no were to turn, or to the pregnant teen who needs information on her choices, or to the single parent mom who needs help finding a job, or to the anorexic woman who has finally gathered the courgae to ask for help, but has found a closed door.

We all have been touched by violence against women either personally or through those we love. Womens Centres are a necessary part of a society. Keep this in mind when considering who you will vote for in this upcoming election.

http://www.wise-bc.org/feministinitiative/ The FemINist INitiative homepage

Monday, December 05, 2005

Remebering the Montreal Massacare

December 6th marks the anniversay of the brutal murder of fourteen women at Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal, 1989. Today take some time from your busy day to remeber tham and all women lost to violence. This is not an isolated incident, it happens to women everyday around the world. Most often it is someone the woman knows and trusts, such as the sad story of Alicia Ross here in Toronto. It is important that we not forget the women of Dec 6th, that they live on in our hearts as a reminder of how much we still have to fight for. To those who say that feminism is dead, that I should stop fighting, that we have ahieved full equality: I ask you to read this list of women lost to violence in 2005 and tell me that with a straight face:
Aysegul Candir, 47, husband
Kyla Holburn, 16, boyfriend
ahw Dilijohn, 52, freind
Szilvia Veres, ex boyfriend
Cheryl Lynn Parker, 42
Maluka Hassan-Ali, 23, Husaband
Campagne Lewis, 25, unknown
Hafiza Chodbury, 41, husband
Patricia Kirk, 60, husband
Mary Noseworthy, 78, son
Audrey Cote, 21, friend,
Alicia Ross, 25, neighbor
Edith Francomano 62, husband,
Hee Jeung Choi, 33, husband
Unidentified, mid 30's
And this list is just from my research in the Toronto area, it is just a small portion of the countless numbers of women lost to violence each year.

Friday, November 25, 2005

International Day Eliminate Violence Against Women-The herstory

Yup thats what today is....marks 16 days of events and fundraising at most womens centres actually. But few people know the story behind this day and how it came to be.
On November 25, 1960 Patria, Minerva, and Marie Teresa (The Mirabal sisters) were dragged from their jeep and beaten to death. Why? They were activly campaiging against then president Rafeal Trujillo Molina of the Dominican Rebuplic, whose reign consisted of 31 years of torture, impressonment, and death. He destroyed the Dominicans constituition, slaughtered human rights, and masacred 20,000 Haitain plantatin workers.
The sisters were part of the "14th of June movement" to topple Molina's regime. They were code named "Las Mariposas" the butterflies. They were often imprisoned, tortured and harrased by the state but the three butterflies never gave up.
"This is not only a cause for men, but for women too...I am willing to give up everything, my own life if needs be"
And sadly they did. Take time today to remeber Las Mariposas and all the women who have died or have suffered at the hands of violence against women.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Damn the Big Pharma

In my Sociology class we have been watching films on the IUD, Norplant, and various forms of the pill. Pharmaceutical companies do all the testing for these on women overseas in developing countries....the women are NOT given informed consent (which is illegal!), told the drug is safe, has passed all trials and are given it. They are then watched like guinea pigs for side effects over a year. Women developed eyesight problems, became severely anemic, developed chronic fatigue syndrome and bleed for MONTHS! With no access to tampons and using rags for pads this is a serious issue when there is no clean water to wash them in. It showed women in India washing their rags in sewer water! One woman had been begging to have her IUD removed and the doctors kept telling her it would pass, shed be fine. She couldn't even get out of bed anymore she was in such pain and so severely anemic!!!!. A human rights observer/anthropologist told of a woman whose Norplant was inserted without sanitization, festered and became extremely infected. She pleaded with the doctor to have it removed due not only to the pain but to the depression it was causing her...They refused. On her fourth visit demanding they do something, they grabbed a scalpal and cut it out while she stood there and screamed in pain! They called her an "ungrateful animal" and tossed her into the streets. There was numerous examples of women given the pill as well with no informed consent causing many of the same symptoms women complain of on
  • /">this discussion of Birth control pills and women's health

    . IT IS ALL CONNECTED LADIES! Their suffering is ours...They suffer at our expense so we can have reliable birth control. Then, we too wind up suffering the very effects that the pharmaceutical corporations over look in the name of science and profit. One of the films told of a woman here, in Toronto, who became legally blind due to complications with her Norplant insertion. Out of solidarity for the women who have suffered so much for our reproductive freedom I refuse to use hormonal based contraceptives that mess with my body and theirs. As women we need to recognize the growing patterns of globalizations complex effects on our health. The patterns are there, do not ignore them as being merely coincidences!

    Thursday, October 13, 2005

    Too poor to buy a lousy potato

    There is something wrong with our economy, our state, our so-called 'social democracy' Because someone working for student loans is to dumb to enter in numbers on a computer screen my $3500 was deposited into someone else's account. Their response...Oops maybe we'll have a cheque for you by mid November. For fuck sakes even Starbucks can figure out how to deposit money in a persons account and our government can't? Meanwhile I am making 'mother Hubbard soup'-you know scrape together all the leftovers, boil it in a broth and hope to hell it tastes good so you can feel like you had some what of a meal. I dug for change in the couch and walked to Dominion with my .88 cents to buy a potato to throw in, but nope, sorry, too bad, so sad that potato is gonna costs you $1.30!!!! Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to be short fifty cents for a lousy potato..."uhhhh Ill just run out to my car and get some more change"....I mumble as I leave to walk home in tears. Too broke to buy a potato, Im going to school to better myself and become the basis of the future economy, pay my taxes, do my part yadda yadda, but Im too broke to buy a potato. Thanks student loans, thanks for making this day really shitty.

    Thursday, October 06, 2005

    If you can hold a fork you can go to York

    Man...school is a drag so far. I mean I was expecting UNIVERSITY not college all over again. I mean seriously should you have to explain to people what the WTO, IMF and World Bank are in a FOURTH YEAR WOMEN IN DEVELOPMENT class!!! Not to sound condesending its just that I learned that shit 3 years ago...why didnt they? And why am I paying 4grand to learn the same shit all over again? I have yet to learn anything new in any of my classes. I feel like the kid who should have skipped a grade but was held back...it sux. To make matters worse no one writes political grafiti on the bathroom stalls. There is a HUGE add for birth control on the back of every bathroom stall door at York. i watched for a week as no one questioned this or challenged it. MAN! At cap that shit would've been covered in anti-corporate, pro-feminist/womens health grafiti before you could bat an eye. So I have taken it on myself to draw womens symbols over as many i can in a day....hoping to incourage bathroom dialouge other than "oh my god look at my new purse/Ipod/lipstick/shoes...." And the Womens Centre is sooo frustrating to work with they are not on the ball, procrastinate too much and are really bad about getting back to people. They asked me to design posters and organize speakers for their open house by thursday. Well today is thursday, all the info has long since been mailed off, and they havnt gotten back to me. Mean while I have speakers wanting to now more info and no info coming at me.....GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
    Today I feel like shit and I REALLY miss Cap College! It may have been a community college with only 1st and 2nd year corses but i learned waaaaaay more there and found inspiration in its hallways!

    Wednesday, September 28, 2005

    Sin City-Nothing but a patriarchal parade of violence and stereotypes against women!

    I just came in from watching "Sin City" at the boys house....WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THAT MOVIE! Im sorry but its sick! Yeah the cinamatography is cool and all....but talk about over glorified violence! I cant even count the number of objectionable images of women I saw in the 45 mins I could (barely) stand of it. Not to mention the women being literally slaughtered. The part that really got me was the second half in which a renegade 'hero' is looking for the killer of Goldie, his lover who was killed in her sleep...blah blah blah... turns out a psychopathic killer was butchering prostitutes on his farm and feeding their remains to his dog...then eating the rest himself, keeping their heads as souveneigrs. Did the makers of this movie forget that a court case was raging in Vancouver not to long ago over the Pickton Farm murders....where a man brutatly killed over 22 (known) women many of them prostitutes and fed their remains to his pigs, keeping various body parts in his freezer as souvenirs????????????????? ALl of this on a farm... Seing any similarities?
    What was Robert Rodriguez thinking? Shame on him and the actors that worked for him for perpetuating harmful stereotypes and making entertainment of the nightmares of countless family's of the lost women of the Downtown East Side of Vancouver (DES), Green River Murders and countless other women's lives who have been lost....their trial's not fairly prosecuted, made public or ignored for far to long because they are street workers, addicts, poor or First Nations.
    That all being said I have found a link to the Pickton trial I found very intersting...I did not know that Robert Pickton was a billionaire pig farmer, or that he was arrested for murder in 1997 but released....shortly after that 30 women went missing from the DES, 22 of those womens DNA were found on his pig farm. But hey, who are the cops going to believe? A billionaire pig farmer who supported his community and Little League Team or a poverty stricken, addicted prostitute from the DES? How did the cops not find it odd that a millionaire was hanging out in some of Vancouvers seediest bars in the first place????
    Sometimes the sorrow of the world is so heavy on my chest I dont know if I can stand it any more.
  • Pickton Farm

  • The F Word- a great critique of Sin City

  • Friday, September 16, 2005

    cooooorrrrrina corrina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh how I love thee!

    This entry is dedicated to Corrina...the raddest grrrrrrrrrrrl I ever did meet! Since I keep missing your phone calls my darling I thought Id write a lil something for you to read on your journeys. We've been through shit loads together...me runnin away from home and crashin your familys pad, our dirrrrty punk rawker days leading to our insane bubblegum raver days, stupid boyfriends (rember creepy whats his name Enya listning mother fucker that i yelled at? and lets not forget shithead the first!) , traveling India together and getting food poisoning ( the girl hopped a motorcycle to come and see me in the hopsital and wound up lying beside me with a burn on her leg from the exhaust pipe as we watched Conan the Barbarian in Hindi.....), bellydancin away our blues, and as allways gettin good ol cambie styles drunkedty drunk drunk together! Who else would I go to my grad boat cruise with in a purple wig with pants to match and rawk out to the violent femmes? Or run around Seymour Hights stealing Windchimes from peoples porches all stoned? Corrina is the most fearless woman Ive ever met....as we speak she is flying from Singapore to Thailand after having spent the past while in Australia with her amazing boyfriend that...by the way...SHE asked HIM to marry her!!!!! ISN'T THAT RAD! Corrina you are such a balsy babe...Honey you gots eggs! I miss you to bits and hope you are having a blast on your travels!

    Sunday, September 11, 2005

    Well that didn't take long...

    Wow! I lasted a whole 3 weeks at a certain corporate coffee shop (hey I don't wanna get sued!) before I wanted to kill myself...I gave a weeks notice yesterday. Suzie feel free to do your little happy dance. Yeah it was so not for me, waaaaaaaaaaay to corporate and I know some of you are thinking "duh!" but I was broke, and no one else in this city was gonna offer me a job so I took it. But man oh man...I do not jive with the corporate work enviro, dress codes, time clocks....BAH! At my other job our 'till' is a desk drawer and we write our receipts by hand for chirsts sake! And it suits me just fine. I just cant flow with the whole "one right way" thing. One right way to make a burger, one right way to make a latte, one right way to rule the world.....If any of you have read Ishmael you'll now what I am talking about. It is the doom of our culture and of the planet itself. Yes even something as little as the "one right way to make a latte". There is no one right way to live, eat or breath...It doesn't exist. Humans are the only creatures to think this way and it is what is killing us. This "one right way" mentality only calculates efficiency and productivity as beneficial no matter what the cost. Garbage, toxic waste, backroom corporate deals are all necessary if they are following the "one right way". If this seems a lil abstract to you I suggest you read Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, it is an amazing book that has drastically changed the way I view the world.

    (so anyways yeah, the leftist leaning feminist in me kicked my ass and made me quit...She's so cool!)

    Friday, September 02, 2005

    Huricane Katrina

    So on my way to work today I picked up a copy of Dose to pass the time on my subway ride to work. I opend it to the second page and promptly choked on my coffee! An email from a wack job saying that the satelite images of Huricane Katrina on the NOAA website look like a fetus. To quote "...look like a six week old human child...reminiscent of a commonly used pro-life picture of early prenatal development...Lousianna has 10 child-murder-by-abortion centres" Whoa people...do you have nothing better to do with your time. First off the image looks nothing like a fetus and secondaly what exactly are you alluding to!!!!!!!! Who cares if New Orleans has 10 abortion clinics? Last I checked abortion was still (thank God) legal...I think we all know what you were alluding to and the thought of it sickens me...SHAME! To make matters worse famous Guitarist Sanatana has claimed that New Orleans suffering from Katrina was due to a "lack of spirituality"!!! And to beat this horse even deader Repent America has been tooting the 'gloy of Gods rath' saying that Huricane katrina was a result of New Orleans 'wicked ' lifestyle. To quote "Although the loss of lives is deeply saddening, this act of God destroyed a wicked city," stated Repent America director Michael Marcavage. "From 'Girls Gone Wild' to 'Southern Decadence,' New Orleans was a city that had its doors wide open to the public celebration of sin. From the devastation may a city full of righteousness emerge," People are dying, or barley gettin by as they wade in toxic waters filled with gss and corpses and you people are sitting around all high and mighty saying it is Gods wrath for living in sin?????? HOW DARE YOU! New Orleans is a beautiful city with an amazing culture. Frankly the rest of the world could take a lesson from New Orleans and learn to embrace their 'wild' side a little more, let their hair down, relax and have a good ol time. Sadly I fear New Orleans will never be the same again and that the once beautiful city is lost. Prol-lifers, born again christians, or just plian asshole wackjobs-show some respect and shut the hell up!

    Monday, August 29, 2005

    Men revisited...

    OK so due to some confusion about an earlier post I am revisiting the whole "what does it mean to be a man in our society" issue. First though I'd like to point out that the list published was a list formulated by men...Not my own personal list. I would like to publish another list of men that women look up to for comparisons sake...sooooooooooooo do you see that nifty lil button under this posting, says "comments"? Yeah? Good! Click on it and post your top 5 (or whatever) male role models. I'll calculate results and publish them here in a later entry. While we are on the topic of that nifty lil comment button...If you have something to say in response to one of my postings please post it here and do not email me. If everyone who looks here was to do that it would flood my email inbox. In fact a lot of you who have been doing this are getting sent to my junk file so if you want your response to be read post it here. And by the way..Thanks for readin and keep up the comments...Hopefully we can get some stimulating streams of chat happening here.

    Stupid add

    how this for irony, I sign up with Google addsense...yeah yeah whatever sue me im fucking poor ok! NE ways I sign up for it and what they do is match adds to your blog content so that they work together. So todays add is for a "free IQ test!" oh joy! How ironic is that! what morron thought that would jive with my site..I was dissing IQ tests you morons!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr

    Thursday, August 25, 2005

    What in the world?

    In one hemisphere we have a five day brainstorming event focused on resolving the downsides of globalization...In the other we have supposed "educated" men that have 'discovered' that men are the more intelligent of the sexes.

    Uhhhhhh I think we have a problem here...

    OK good stuff first. In Sweden, over 300 big wigs are attending a workshop aimed at tackling globalization with a humanitarian approach. Topics include nation building, democracy, the role of women, global terrorism, poverty and climate change. Big wigs, royalty and politicians are rubbing elbows with artists and musicians at the event entitled "How on Earth can we live together? Exploring Frameworks for Sustainable Global Interdependence". The event is hoping to educate government agencies and multinational corporations of the need for increased social and environmental responsibility on their parts...Wouldn't I love to be a fly on a wall there!
    Then as I was reading my daily dose of Bitch PhD I read of bunch of auzie shrinks who apparently have discovered through IQ tests that men are more intelligent than women largely based on brain size...Ahem..."Men have larger brains than women by about 10 per cent and larger brains confer greater brain power," he (Professor Lynn) said. "So men must necessarily be on average more intelligent than women." Wow the sounds like some serious scientific research there...Me big brain 'grunt'...Me smart 'grunt'.... Dear god we have gone back to living in caves! I mean really folks any decently educated individual will tell you how inaccurate the IQ test is. It does not take into account any extenuating factors that effect a persons educational experience (poverty, oppression, sexism etc) not to mention the fact that it is a complete tool of the patriarchy used to justify and inforce a 'superior' form of intelligence. You'd have to be a moron to use it as a guide of intelligence...why would men be proud of rating high on it then? "Yeah! I ranked highest on the most inaccurate intelligence test I must be smart! Go team penis!" YEAH RIGHT!

    So at the end of the day what do we have? Truly intelligent people getting together regardless of race, class, or sex to discuss important world issues and a bunch of shrinks with severe inferiority complexes looking for reasons to beat there chest like a bunch of gorillas. Gee...Which camp would you rather go too this summer honey? I think we know which camp Jenn wants to go to...this is a great pic of her damin the man in the t-dot...love yah honey!

  • Australian IQ News
  • Tuesday, August 23, 2005

    girly time blues

    Today...I miss grrrrrrrrrrl time. I miss getting drunk and crafty with some girly tunes playin. I miss stichin n bitchin. I miss eating crazy brownies and staring into the fire. I miss deco-pageing and drinking tequila. I miss drinking wine, eating chocolate and watchin Sex n the City. I miss group breakfasts at Joes after rad protest rallies. I miss exploring Vancouver's bellydance classes and going to cheesy 80's nights. I miss club hopping on the Granville strip. I miss being naked on Wreck Beach. I miss the company of amazing women. I love you all my vancouver babies!

    Thursday, August 18, 2005

    Taking over the world one university at a time...

    Helped out at the York Womens Centre today throwing up some new colors on the walls. It felt so good to be in a room full of sassy women again-Goddess how I have missed that! I am hoping with the help of the York and Capilano Women's Centre's to create an online database of university/college womens centres across the country. I think it would be a huge help to transfer students checking out their options and maybe aid in my dream of a canada wide feminist revolution!!!!!! Hey, dreams do come true! I am willing to host it temporarliy on here until enough centres and support sign up to justify a website. I think this could be an amazing resource...any ideas anyone???? Suggestions????? Do you even realize you can post replies on here??? I have a hit counter...I know your reading this. POST DAMN IT!
    In other news I am officialy a knit-aholic. Even with a fractured elbow I have been knitting away on my back to school poncho...yes I am a dork. It is gorgeuos fall colors and yummy, soft, warm wool, I'll post a pic of the finished piece when I am done. I think the knitting has actully served as physio and helped my arm heal faster...hey, the doc said I had to use it! Next project...hmmmmmmmmm a classic canadian wooly hat TAKE OF EH YAH %&*#!ING HOSER!!!!
    And I had my first full cycle being off the pill and ony 2 mild panic attacks!!!! I am soo glad I decided to go off the pill my body feels much better and my brain much happier. Since being off the pill my social anxiety is virtually gone and my moods much calmer. I am on a whole "fresh start" kick - eating healthy and organic, threw out all my tampons and bought a diva cup and some luna pads (tampons...ugh! i now know why you hate the vile things as much as you do Rachel!), chucked the pill....and chopped off my hair to a three inch pixie cut! I feel great and am loving the fresh start to reinvent myself and heal my body. I highly suggest it!

    Wednesday, August 10, 2005

    Corporations Gone Feminist? Get real!

    You know the whole Dove Campaign for Real Beauty thing raked in a lot of controversy: good and bad. As a feminist I was at first glad to see a company making the effort to represent a diversity of women's bodies in their adds...that was until today. Dove recently launched a new add campaign soon to be on a billboard near you. The add is a group of women in their underwear, non-airbrushed real women. Sounds good right? I thought so too until I saw that the add was for a new "firming lotion". I mean talk about hypocritical...these women are real, natural, beautiful...BUY OUR FIRMING CREAM! The adds feature a caption that says "lets face it, firming the thighs of a size two supermodel is no challenge" This add is still doin what other adds have allways done, playing on women's insecurities. Only now its like "wow...that woman actually looks like me...but she is far pretty because she has no cellulite. Maybe I should try that cream..." Get real Dove. You're not getting this feminists money! I don't think I have ever been more genuinely disappointed in a company. I'll admit I had hopes we were on to something good. If it had been a shampoo or even moisturizer add, but firming lotion?? Dove Add
    Then I read of the "We Come in Peace" campaign started by a sex shop called Playtime. Get this...are you sitting down? The owner thought "in light of the war in Iraq and womens recent 'liberation'" she would send vibrators and lube to these 'new women'! Dont get me wrong I am all for sexual liberation and satisfaction as you all know...but how are they supposed to find time to masturbate living in a state of war and occupation?????? Im a student and I can hardly find time for Christ Sake! I think they have more important things to deal with than a fucking orgasm! To quote..ahem:

    "I've selected a glow in the dark vibrator...may come in handy during those dark Iraqi nights".
    "I hope that when you use this vibrator you will realize that Americans do not hate you."
    "The wipes will keep your anus and vagina minty fresh (I imagine things get a bit musky there in Iraq) and tasting great."
    "Enjoy your vibrator while you can, when my fellow Americans leave your country, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to enjoy it much longer"

    Oh god bless america...plunderer of oil and bringer of sex toys. This is not feminist or even sisterly support, these women need more than a vibrator. I have worked in sex shops and taught various workshops on womens sexual health-it is an important part of womens lives yes, but I think these women are more concerned with rape, plunder, food and shelter. Playtime keep your politics to yourself and your help for "humitarian reasons"....get real they need more than your attempt at creating a new market overseas!
    Playtimes Letters

    Thursday, July 28, 2005

    Free! Be rad make a pad pattern from Bloodsisters

    Check out the awesome link on the Bloodsisters webpage and learn who to sew your own menstrual pads. You can make em out of soft flannel or cozy cotton with funky patterns on em wich makes you moon so much more fun. Mine have stars and moons all over em! Not only are they more comfortable then yucky plastic pads, but you chuck em in the washing machine instead of the landfill! Never be ashamed of your blood, it is your womanly connection to the moon and tides and a sign of good health. Did you know that if you soak your pad in water and then give that water to your plants they will thrive!!!! Trust me, mine have DOUBLED in size! Break the consumerist cycle-Be rad make a pad! Oh and don't forget to be a bitch and stich! Be Rad Make a Pad

    Pussy Power

    So I was on my way to my Wednesday stitch n bitch when i found an abandoned kitty off Bathurst St!!! She is so tiny and cute way to young to be weaned...I have to feed her from a baby bottle! So me n pussy been havin some serious pussy time, chillin just us girls. Officialy one week of being off the pill and I have decided that it was definatly a major conributing factor to my anxiety problems! I still get the odd one but it is far easier to control and this has given me such a surge in confidence! I am really enjoying charting my cylces and learning about my body and all its signals. My guy and I are learning all about natural birth control and this has been an intense bonding experience. Having a man who is eager and willing to learn about your body in order to save it from the ravages of the pill...It is a beautiful thing that makes me love him all the more! I encourage you all to check out the link to the right "Aphrodite womens health" and read the forum entitled "birth control pills and depression" and read my entry entitled "Birth Control Pill: friend or Foe" were there is a link to an important survey. It may be that you are having no experiences while on the pill and quite happy, you may be reading this thinking "my goddess Im not alone!" whatever it is I think it is important to have full knowledge of any medicine you are taking...I lost 10 years of my life to a lil pill because no doctors made the connection. Educate yourself, knowledge is power!

    Feature Artist: Mischa Brook-Thoma

    Mischa Brook-Thoma is an artist living in Vancouver, BC. I had the pleasure of working with her in a life drawing class at Capilano College 3 years ago this fall. Mischa has a very eclectic art style including drawing, painting, ceramics, photography, and textile arts. Mischa has an amazing ability to capture intricate details and show more than what the human eye can see. She is the first of what I hope to be many artists showcased on this site. To view more of this talented womans art check out a new addition to Liltih's Den...LILITH'S GALLERY! http://liliths-gallery.blogspot.com/ which will also be listed in the links section

    Sunday, July 24, 2005

    Birth Control: friend or Foe?

    Ok so I have been blathering on about going of the pill and the effects I have been experiencing and some of you may wonder why the hell I would post this info on my blog page. Well I feel that women are not encouraged in our current society to truly talk about their health and bodies...and by truly I mean talking about blood, eggs, ovaries, cramps, hair, you name it the whole kit and kaboodle package that makes us up. Because of this many women suffer thinking they are freaks or something is wrong with them when they experience something that is not represented in popular culture. Many women suffer horrible side effects on the pill...many do not, but for those that do it can be an alienating experience as your doctor tells you what you're experiencing has nothing to do with the pill as she/he is writing you a prozac prescription! I myself have recently connected a ten year battle with anxiety/panic attacks to my birth control pill and have decided to go off. I post information on the progress here to create thought and dialogue on a long ignored topic. That and women are not told of how hard it can be on your body to go off the pill after years of use. After all, I have been giving my body hormones for 10 years, that shit doesn't balance out over night! If you feel the pill is causing more harm than good then do some research and educate yourself...I have decided that the only way I will find out if the pill is triggering my anxiety attacks is if I go off it and see what happens. So far my theory is correct!
    In my search for answers and resources on the pill and anxiety attacks I have been emailing with a woman from France named Holi who has created a free online survey compiling information on womens experiences while taking the pill. I hope to help her and all of you interested by publishing the results of said survey here on my blog. If you are interested in participating in this survey go to:
    Birth Control Survey
    It does not matter what your experiances on the pill have been-good or bad-they are all valid and need to be heard.

    Wednesday, July 20, 2005

    well well well i have finally succumbed to the blogger craze! It really is a rad idea though, its like an online journal for your friends. Since I am missin yall and dont have nearly enough time to email as much as I should I figured this is a grrrrrreat way to stay in touch!
    soooooooo whats new you may ask? Day three of being off the pill and havn't started loosing my mind ....yet...hooray! managed to contect that evil lil pill to all my anxiety problems and promptly chucked mine in the garbage! So far so good am just trying to eat right, take vitamins, and am keeping a diary to track what happens to my body as I go so this time I dont think I am going crrrazy!
    Hanging with too many boys here...man can they be wierd sometimes! People think girls are full of hang ups but men have all the same shit...they are just in denial of it! Gonna start doin some mad volunteer work cuz I am going crrrazy not workin with ladies....Im goin through some feminist withdrawl blues!
    Signed up for my classes this fall..ahem...Globalization and Womens Health, Contemporary Womens Rituals (yeah! goddess class!), Women in Developing Nations, and Intro Womens Studies-yes INTRO they are making me redo the fucker! HA! Easy A for me I guess. Looking forward to school and meeting new chickas.
    Am goin to a stitch n bitch tonight will fill yall in later and post some easy patterns for all my fellow naughty kniters